DUFFA Ultrastar Animated Spinning Disc

Now... Where were we?

Posted July 22, 2021 - Written by Steve Morgan

DUFFA Is Back - Sessions are Restarting!

We are pleased to announce that DUFFA will be returning on Sunday the 1st of August 2021.

There will be one session a week every Sunday, from 5-8pm.

There will be a few changes to how we play though the focus is still on open, fun pickup. We will following the Phase E UKU guidance with the added condition that an online register will be taken to track attendance due to the informal player base.

What do I need to do to play?:
  • Please bring / wear a light and dark top - we have two teams and we want to avoid having sweaty bibs to wash.
  • Check-in at every session - we will have a super simple, low admin webpage which you will just provide your email and number in the unlikely event we have to inform attendees of an infection risk. We promise to only use this information for this purpose. Please note this is NOT optional.
  • Turn up on time - traditionally DUFFA was loose on start and end times, please respect our volunteers other commitments!
If you have any concerns or whish to raise anything with the committee please get in touch.

DUFFA Committee