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DUFFA - Didsbury Ultimate Frisbee For Amateurs • Blog
DUFFA Ultrastar Animated Spinning Disc



October 29, 2022

Monthly beginners sessions have started up again from September-22 with two being held so far and the next one happing on the 6th November-22 2-4pm.
Thank you to everyone who has turned up for these sessions. It's great to see new faces and old, coming together to play some Ultimate Frisbee.

Now... Where were we?

July 22, 2021

DUFFA Is Back - Sessions are Restarting!

We are pleased to announce that DUFFA will be returning on Sunday the 1st of August 2021.

There will be one session a week every Sunday, from 5-8pm.

There will be a few changes to how we play though the focus is still on open, fun pickup. We will following the Phase E UKU guidance with the added condition that an online register will be taken to track attendance due to the informal player base.

What do I need to do to play?:
  • Please bring / wear a light and dark top - we have two teams and we want to avoid having sweaty bibs to wash.
  • Check-in at every session - we will have a super simple, low admin webpage which you will just provide your email and number in the unlikely event we have to inform attendees of an infection risk. We promise to only use this information for this purpose. Please note this is NOT optional.
  • Turn up on time - traditionally DUFFA was loose on start and end times, please respect our volunteers other commitments!
If you have any concerns or whish to raise anything with the committee please get in touch.

DUFFA Committee

TIME OUT! Sessions Suspended

March 18, 2020

In line with scienentific advice (and we all know you don't f&*^ with science) we're cancelling all sessions until further notice.

Go outside, look after your friends and keep the spirit high in this troubling times. 

We'll see you on the other side guys.

DUFFA Committee 


First Blog Post of the Decade

January 5, 2020

We got off to a cracking start with our first Beginners session of the decade. Which was well attended with over 30 participants coming out to play. It was great to see some new faces. 

DUFFA at the Beach

June 22, 2019

We were very lucky this year to get such good sunshine and we had a great turnout at Formby beach. We ended up playing in between the dunes so not the flattest pitch but great fun nonetheless.

DUFFA at Didsbury Festival

June 11, 2016

Huge thanks to Taj, James, Mike, Rich, Elliot, James, Stuart, Yvonne, Simon, Pete, Kev, Dave, Lawrence, Vicki and Steve for braving the torrential rain at today's Didsbury Festival! It's the third time DUFFA have been involved with the festival by staging a small-scale exhibition match in the festival arena.

Special mention for Lawrence - he isn't a DUFFA member (yet!) but he saw our game and fancied trying it out!

Oh, and if anyone's interested, according to the festival's compere you can give Urban Frisbee a go on Tuesdays and Saturdays :-S

DUFFA rocks!

May 28, 2016

DUFFA's own Johnny Flynn rocked Club Academy last night with his band Bluelights. That's Johnny on bass on the left!

Check them out on Soundcloud here... https://soundcloud.com/bluelights-95553811


So, did Team DUFFA crack The Code?

May 28, 2016


Here's the question that outfoxed Rich, Sally and Simon. Do you know which is the correct answer?


DUFFA players attempt to crack The Code!

May 15, 2016

If you tuned into BBC1 quiz show The Code on Friday 13th May you might have spotted a few familiar faces!

DUFFA regulars Rich, Sally and Simon were contestants on the show, answering questions in an attempt to win a cash prize of £4,500.00! If you missed it you can catch up here... http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b07bg0yr/the-code-episode-20 ...fast forward to 29:00!

Did they manage to crack the code? Well, the show ended on a cliffhanger so we'll have to wait for Monday's episode to find out!


DUFFA's 9th Birthday Party!

May 15, 2016

Come and join us on Saturday 21st May 2016 for DUFFA's 9th Birthday Party!

We're holding a no-organisation-required mini hat tournament in Fog Lane Park from 1.00pm. No registration required - just turn up and we'll put you into teams.

If you want to stick around for a kick-about after the mini hat tournament we'll also be hosting the 3rd Annual DUFFA Soccerball Trophy Bowl!

In the evening we'll be heading over to Whalley Range for BBQ, drinks and music 'til late - we'll also squeeze in a quick AGM, an end-of-year awards ceremony, and we'll elect our new committee for 2016/17! Ask us for the address - we don't want to publish it online!

See you all there!


We had the time of our lives!

March 1, 2016

Great night, terrible photos. A few snaps from the Power Ballads night on 19th February... It was simply the best!


Announcing the February social... Ultimate Power - The Best Night Of Your Life!

January 24, 2016

Friday 19th February 2016. Prepare yourselves for the best night of your lives...

Meat Loaf, Bonnie Tyler, Aerosmith, Bon Jovi, Starship! Power ballads all night long! We'll meet in the city centre to warm up with a few drinks before heading over to the Ritz around 10:30pm-11:00pm.

Buy your ticket in advance here... http://www.ultimatepowerclub.com/ ...for £9.00.

For obvious reasons, the social is only for DUFFA members over 18 years old. Any questions, please post on the Facebook event here...


Important announcement about 17th January 2015

January 16, 2016

We've taken the decision to cancel the pick-up session on Sunday 17th January 2015.

The Fog Lane football pitches are waterlogged and the mud's churning up quite badly on the rugby pitch. We're gutted about this, it's the first time in nearly 9 years we've had to cancel a session.

We'll keep you all updated and hopefully we'll be back next Sunday. Thursday's indoor session will go ahead as normal.


DUFFA/Black Sheep Christmas Special raises £62.10 for Lattitude Global Volunteering!

January 2, 2016

DUFFA and sister club Black Sheep came together on 20th December for a Christmas Special!

Mulled wine, mince pies, stollen, tangerines and hot blackcurrant were on offer for everyone between (and sometimes during) points, and our spare-change bucket collection raised £62.10 for Lattitude Global Volunteering.

DUFFA and Black Sheep regular Emma Schofield has secured herself a three-month Volunteer Team Leader role in Malawi and is raising money to help projects improving female status in the Chilumba region. Emma is raising money by swimming 75km (the width of Lake Malawi) in her local swimming baths - that's 3,000 lengths between now and when she travels to Malawi!

If you would like to help Emma achieve her target of £800.00 before she jets off in January, please visit her fundraising page at https://www.justgiving.com/Emma-Schofield4


December's Christmas market get-together

December 6, 2015

There was no Thursday night DUFFA this week as the sports hall was closed, but we couldn't bear the thought of not seeing each other so we headed into Manchester for some festive fun!

What better way to brighten up the dark December nights than with gluhwein, wurst, strudel and good company?


Better late than never - a few words about the Didsbury Beer Festival!

December 6, 2015

The 8th Annual Didsbury Beer and Cider Festival was held at St Catherine's Social Club on School Lane over the weekend of 29th - 31st October.

We're always keen to get involved with local community events and so DUFFA were the proud sponsors of a barrel of Chantry Brewery's 6.3% (yikes!) Special Reserve Old Ale.

With over one hundred beers, ciders and perries to sample, it was only right that we headed down to check it out!


DUFFA welcomes Zone as sponsor and kit supplier!

August 1, 2015

The shirts have gone to print which means we can officially welcome Zone as our sponsor and kit supplier! The shirts will be with us in just a couple of weeks, check out the finalised proofs in the meantime!

Never. Stop. Running.


DUFFA kit order 2015 - Be Quick! Order deadline is 30 June 2015!

June 8, 2015

You may remember a couple of weeks ago I asked you all your opinions on how much you'd be willing to pay for new DUFFA kit.

The average amount (and by far the most popular amount) you quoted for one shirt was 15.00 GBP. After obtaining more quotes than you can shake a stick at, it's ZONE Ultimate who can offer us the best deal for this price.

15.00 GBP buys you one ZONE Ultimate branded Velocity II sports shirt, which includes printing of the classic DUFFA logo on the front and your choice of name and number of the back. They come in both men's and women's cuts. The DUFFA "home" shirt is red with white print and the "away" shirt is white with red print. If you want both a red "home" shirt and a white "away" shirt that's 30.00 GBP.

We need to submit a minimum order of 50 shirts to get them at this price, but based on previous orders I don't see that being a problem.

To submit your order, simply get in touch with me! You can email info@duffa.org, call or text 07800 646396 or find me on Facebook (Richard Harrison).

You need to tell me which shirts you would like, your size, the name you want printing and your preferred number. Some numbers are already assigned to players so they'll get first dibs on those particular numbers.

Check out this Google doc for the shirt numbers and the size charts...


The order deadline is 30th June 2015.

I can't order your shirt unless I've received your payment, but I won't be asking for payment until we have the minimum order confirmed.

Any questions, please just ask!



DUFFA's 8th Birthday Party!

April 30, 2015

DUFFA's 8th birthday is fast approaching and we'd love you to come and get involved! Please excuse the excessive number of exclamation marks but we're really excited about it! Come and join us for a full day of celebration on Saturday 2nd May 2015!

9.30am - Disc Golf, Longford Park, Chorlton
Join us for a round of disc golf on our 9-hole course in Longford Park! Discs and tuition provided free-of-charge! Bring the family! Directions to Longford Park can be found here... http://tinyurl.com/knx5mhn

1.00pm - Mini Hat Tournament, Fog Lane Park, Withington
Our annual birthday mini-hat tournament kicks off at 1pm! Depending on numbers we'll have four teams playing 15-20min games. The final is usually played around 3.30pm.

4.00pm - The 2nd Annual DUFFA Soccer Ball Trophy Bowl, Fog Lane Park, Withington
Prepare yourselves for some top-quality football as the Blues take on the Reds in the match of the century! We'll even have a fully inflated ball this year! Ladies, don't let the gents have all the fun!

6.00pm/7.00pm - DUFFA's 8th Birthday Party and AGM
After going home to shower and change we'll head to 18 Fordbank Road, Didsbury, M20 2TH for our birthday barbeque! Bring your own meat, bread, salad, dips and beer (if you don't bring anything you can't eat or drink anything!) We'll rattle through the AGM, vote for our committee members for 2015/2016 and host our of end-of-year awards ceremony! Then we'll eat, drink, be merry and have a darn good time!

The Pursuit of Hoppyness

November 3, 2014


The 7th annual Didsbury Beer Fest provided our DUFFA night out with a concourse of over 100 Real Ales and 20 plus Ciders and Perries, strawberry to pumpkin. Although his dancing on and under the table suffered, we’re still proud of Rich of insisting on trying them all. A half time break with chicken curry and chips kept us buoyant whilst Morgan moved on to judiciously sampling the astringency of DUFFA’s own sponsored barrel – Old Carrock Strong Ale (Hesket Newmarket Brewery). To quote it’s tasting notes, ‘ a classic liquid Christmas pudding flavour’. Just what you’ve always wanted – liquidised Christmas dinner.

What the hop, rye so serious? 
Beer uses malted barley, female flower clusters which are coaxed to grow up on strings like grapes on vines. This is the hip hop which ferments into alcohol and gives beer its bitter tangy glory.

I’m partial to a pun, so from the list of 107 Ales in 3rd place: Dark Side of the Moose (Purple Moose Brewery), 2nd: Ale Force (Storm Brewing), and in 1st: Thirst Aid (Sky’s Edge Brewing). I was a little disappointed no one went for Beers for Fears. Phantom of the Hopera, the Hoppler effect, Barley Legal…No?

Ale facts
Hammurabi the 6th Amorite King of Bablyon (1792BC to 1750BC) executed bartenders who watered down the city beer. 
At the Wife Carrying World Championships (It’s a Finnish thing), 1st prize is the wife’s weight in beer. (2015 applications are currently open, Smiler with all that bootcamp training you could smash it).
The first professional Brewers were women. (No wonder Charlotte and Comrie conquered the 3 pint challenge). 
The builders of the Great Pyramid of Giza were paid with a daily ration of beer.
And for our absent Sö
ren, Germany has a 5km beer pipeline connecting the towns of Veltsin to Arena.

Our final fact goes out to all our brewdooed brains the following morning - the word 'hangover' in Norwegian means 'Carpenters in the head'.

So until next time. See you on the 13/12/2014 for DUFFA does Christmas 

20141031_203646.mp4 from The Bicycle Tracks on Vimeo.


Ultimate In Manchester - a new website for Ultimate Frisbee clubs in Manchester

November 3, 2014

A new website has been launched to provide details of all of the clubs in Greater Manchester - www.UltimateInManchester.co.uk. Designed to be a one-stop shop where new players to the area can get a quick overview of each of the teams in Manchester, when they play, who to contact and for other Greater Manchester Ultimate Frisbee news.  It features a unique "team picker" where teams are sorted according to the player's ability, experience and level of commitment. It was designed and built by Steve Morgan of DUFFA.  

In addition there is also an associated Facebook group for more informal discussion with the Ultimate Frisbee Community in Manchester

We're more than just a Frisbee Club!

August 23, 2014

DUFFA Members are an active bunch - as well as playing frisbee twice a week we also go running, climbing, slacklining and disc golf! 

For more details about our other activities see our DUFFA Runners page!

DUFFA Derailleurs Complete Land's End to John o'Groats

August 16, 2014

Team DUFFA "Derailleurs" completed their Land's End to John o'Groats 14 day, unaided, challenge.

They've raised over £1,500 for Macmillan Cancer Care and Oldham's Dr. Kershaw's Hospice.

A BIG thanks to everyone that sponsored or helped us out!


DUFFA Members attempt the Land's End to John o'Groats Cycle tour

August 1, 2014

DUFFA stalwarts Owain Roberts, Richard Harrison, Sam Jones, Simon Jermy, Steve Morgan and Stevie Senior are packing their panniers and heading down to Cornwall's Land's End at the crack of birds tomorrow. 

They are attempting an unassisted (e.g. they carry their own stuff - no fancy vans) ride to John o'Groats at the tip of Scotland in 13 days. The ride will mean up to 90 mile days with nearly 1000 miles in total. 

Training has been somewhat hampered by preparations for the ever popular DUFFA Hat taking over most of their lives. 

You can sponsor Team DUFFA here for Macmillan or you can sponsor Richard, who is raising for his local hospice Dr. Kershaw's here. 

Thanks for your support - we'll be posting updates on this blog!

DUFFA Hat 2014 - It was OUT OF THIS WORLD!

July 21, 2014

Thanks to everyone who came, helped out and provided support for DUFFA Hat 2014. 288 frisbee players assembled on a soaking wet set of pitches in Didsbury and Manchester's finest storms couldn't dampen spirits!

Every year the costumes get better, and better... this year featured a WALL-E with someone else completely separately coming as Eve!