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DUFFA - Didsbury Ultimate Frisbee For Amateurs • Blog
DUFFA Ultrastar Animated Spinning Disc


DUFFA World Cup Sweepstake Draw takes place at the Fletcher Moss, Didsbury

June 13, 2014

DUFFA World Cup Sweepstake Draw takes place at the Fletcher Moss, DidsburyDUFFA had it's World Cup Sweepstake draw!  

Our drawmaster Lorna Diggle was in charge and oversaw. Our winners seem to be Adrian with Spain, Ainsley with Argentina and Alistair with Brazil...  something makes me think we didn't shuffle those names very well! Good luck everyone!

DUFFA is SEVEN! Birthday Bash - 14th June

May 28, 2014

Our little sports club is 7 years old this summer!

Join us in Fog Lane Park  on the 14th June (tiny.cc/foglanepark) from 2pm where we'll be holding our annual no-organisation-required mini hat tournament!

Then scrub up, put your glad rags on and join us at Fordbank Towers (18 Fordbank Road, Didsbury, M20 2TH) in the evening for the DUFFA birthday BBQ. Those of you living outside of Didsbury will be able to use our showers and will be offered couch/floor space if you need it!

Since we'll have you all in the same space at the same time we'll squeeze in a quick AGM to nominate and vote on the DUFFA Committee for the coming year, so if you want to become more involved in the running of the club, now's your chance!

We'll also have our popular awards ceremony. Categories and voting details to be announced nearer the time!

See you all there! Bring food and beer!

Our latest session was quite multinational!

April 16, 2014

This week about 21 friendly frisbee players turned up in Fog Lane Park for our Sunday pickup session. Truly a multinational feel was had as in attendence were players from Mexico, Latvia, Australia, Oldham and Steve even wore his new shirt from La Paz's Alti Chasquis!


The clocks have gone forward, so will we!

March 30, 2014

From 6th April 2014, Sunday DUFFA returns to 5pm!

"Sun, sun, sun, here it comes!"

DUFFA Brings Ultimate and Disc Golf to St. Patrick's Primary School, Oldham

March 28, 2014

DUFFA volunteers delivered a session to each year of St. Patrick's Primary School. Taking students through both disc golf and Ultimate Frisbee we spent all day. My favourite quote of the day... "Can you come back next Friday" and "nice beard, it suits you". If you're interested in DUFFA coming to your school or community group please email us info [@] DUFFA.org

Disc Golf is coming to Manchester!

March 27, 2014

DUFFA was approached by the Friends of Longford Park and Trafford Council (one of the Borough Counciles of Greater Manchester) to look at developing a disc golf course on a disused pitch and putt course. We're pleased to say that this Saturday sees the installation of the first three holes! 

For full details, or to join the group we've started, see http://www.manchesterdiscgolf.co.uk/ 

DUFFA.org New Website Design is live!

March 25, 2014

DUFFA is pleased to present it's new website design.  Our old design has served us for 7 wonderful years but we felt it was time for a freshen up and for the site to be inline with our club colours. The world has changed since our first site launched, mobiles and tablets have become the norm and as a result we've made our design "responsive" - this means that whatever your flavour and size of browser our site will scale to fit.

Let us know what you think or if you spot any issues. 

Steve - DUFFA Webmonkey

Tonight's Indoors Session Is On As Normal!

February 20, 2014

It may be half term, but the school sports hall is still open! See you at Parrs Wood High School at 9pm!

DUFFA Ultra-Massive-Christmas-Bash!!

December 1, 2013

Our very own Mark Mynett has been busy organising this year's Christmas social, and we're sure you'll agree he's come up with a cracker!

On Saturday 21st December we'll be meeting at 2pm at Silver Blades Ice Rink in Altrincham for a two-hour ice-skating session.

From there, we'll be heading to Altrincham's Belgian Beer Bars, recently voted the No. 1 place in the UK for a festive pub crawl! After a drink and a bite to eat we'll head back into Manchester for the Craig Charles Funk and Soul Night at Band On The Wall.


It's advised you purchase tickets for Band On The Wall as soon as possible as the event will sell out!

More details on the Christmas social can be found on our Facebook page.

Sunday DUFFA is now 1pm!

December 1, 2013

Sorry this hasn't been updated in a while. Sunday DUFFA has now moved to 1pm now that the nights are closing in!

Sunday DUFFA now at 3pm!

September 19, 2013

From this Sunday 22nd September 2013 up to and including Sunday 20th October 2013, DUFFA sessions at Fog Lane Park will start at 3pm!

The 2013-2014 Indoors Season starts this Thursday 5th September!

September 1, 2013

Thursday 5th September sees our first session of the 2013-2014 Indoors Season!

DUFFA Indoors will run every Thursday 9pm - 10.30pm at Parrs Wood High School behind the cinema and entertainment complex at Parrs Wood. For all you sat-navers and Google Mappers, the postcode is M20 5PG.

Unfortunately, hall hire is not free so the indoors season will cost you £3.50 a session (for beginners and improvers, your very first indoors session is FREE!)

DUFFA Hat means no pickup session @ Fog Lane Park 28th July

July 24, 2013

We're hosting our annual Hat Tournament, DUFFA Manchester Hat Tournament so there is no pickup session.  If you're interested seeing a bit of hig energy but spirited Ultimate head down and watch us.  Details are here.  

Lookfly is the official shirt supplier for DUFFA Hat 2013

May 27, 2013

DUFFA is proud to announce that Lookfly is our Official Shirt Supplier for DUFFA Hat 2013! 

DUFFA Hat craft day #1

May 26, 2013

All hands on deck!

We have cardboard, paint, wood, glue, scissors, papier maché in various combinations.

Oliver's supervising.


DUFFA is Six - Our Annual Birthday Party and Mini-hat

April 19, 2013

To celebrate our club hitting the grand old age of SIX(!) we will be having a mini hat tournament at Fog Lane Park, and then a barbecue with quaffing of fine ales and spirits later on! 

The mini hat will involve four to five teams with different coloured teams using bibs.

We'll all then get clean (people who live outside Didsbury will be able to use our showers) and meet at Rich & Simon's house for a BBQ - bring your own meat and beer, we'll sort the BBQ (starting around 5.30pm)! 

There will be the DUFFA AGM - we'll nominate and vote on a Committee for the next year. This is your chance to give a little something back to the club - we're looking for Committee members that can help the club along. All roles are available for nominations (Treasurer, Chair and Secretary included!), if you'd like to be involved please put yourself forward. 

We'll be running our popular awards ceremony - voting details and categories to be announced before the day! 

Bring some beer and meat (or veggie burgers)!

DUFFA Hat Sells Out... in FOUR Minutes

April 19, 2013

Proof, if it were needed, that Ultimate is exploding in the UK - DUFFA Hat 2013 sold out 4 minutes after registration opened. We actually oversold a number of spaces as the server struggled to keep up with the demand.

We've refunded everyone that we can't fit in and we've placed them on a priority waiting list.

New Year - New Sport

January 13, 2013

Interested in trying Ultimate Frisbee - don't wait for one of our beginner sessions, we're always beginner friendly. 

We have new people most weeks and we'll help you learn to throw, catch and learn the game at your own speed. It's always free - come along! You can email us at info[@]duffa.org for more info or just turn up - our session times are on the homepage.

Gym too boring? Want to get fit whilst having fun? Try Ultimate Frisbee!

December 27, 2012

We're running our popular Frisbee taster sessions for people new to Ultimate Frisbee. 
* Sunday 6th January, 1pm - Fog Lane Park, Manchester. 
Just turn up in old trainers with a bottle of water and ask for Steve or Rich - no experience or level of fitness required! 

More details on our flyer : http://www.duffa.org/beginners/ultimate_frisbee_beginners2013.png

DUFFA's 4 Team Indoor Rotation Schedule!

June 11, 2012

Perhaps this might help someone some day but we needed somewhere handy to keep this.

When we run indoor sessions any number of people from 12 - 25 can turn up! We usually have three teams (of about 6-7 players) but sometimes we need four teams. When this happens I have to scratch my head to come up with the following rotation.  Not any more!

1. Darks vs Reds
2. Yellow vs White
3. White vs Dark
4. Red vs Yellow
5. White vs Red
6.  Dark vs Yellow

More Ultimate Frisbee Taster Sessions!

January 17, 2012

After the success (despite Manchester rain and the small matter of a derby) of our last introduction to Ultimate Frisbee session we've scheduled two more: 
* Sunday 29th January, 1pm - Fog Lane Park, Manchester. 
* Sunday 26th February, 3pm - Fog Lane Park, Manchester. 
Just turn up in old trainers with a bottle of water and ask for Steve or Kev - no experience or level of fitness required! 

More details on our flyer : http://www.duffa.org/beginners/ultimate_frisbee_beginners2012.png

DUFFA - Ultimate Frisbee Taster Session!

December 30, 2011

Looking to get fit and meet new people in the new year? We're running one of our popular introduction to Ultimate Frisbee sessions. You'll be taught how to throw and catch and the basics of the games in a friendly and relaxed session with other beginners.

If you can't make this session feel free to turn up to any DUFFA session. 

Sunday 8th January, 1pm - Fog Lane Park, Manchester. Ask for Steve or Kev. 

More details on our flyer : http://www.duffa.org/beginners/ultimate_frisbee_beginners2012.png

DUFFA - Try out Ultimate Frisbee!

November 1, 2011

We're running one of our popular introduction to Ultimate Frisbee sessions. You'll be taught how to throw and catch and the basics of the games in a friendly and relaxed session with other beginners.

If you can't make this session feel free to turn up to any DUFFA session. 

Sunday 6th November, 1pm - Fog Lane Park, Manchester. Ask for Steve or Kev. 

More details on our flyer : http://www.duffa.org/beginners/get_fit_for_2011_nov.jpg


April 15, 2011

We're celebrating our fourth party with a mini hat tournament and a BBQ and beers at Simon's house!

1400hrs - Mini hat tournament in Fog Lane park
1800hrs - BBQ & awards

Transatlantic Manchester Ultimate Frisbee Derby

April 15, 2011

Traditionally a derby is played by two close teams. We have a twinned club in Manchester, New Hampshire. The 3140 miles separating the two clubs shouldn't be an issue I feel to hosting a derby.

To make this work DUFFA and MUFF will both play a fixture at their home grounds. We'll split our squad and call half "MUFF" and they will play on behalf of our transatlantic cousins. The other half will wear the DUFFA shirt with the spirit and pride we all know.

The game will be 50 minutes - no cap. We'll keep the scores secret until both games have been played and announce the winner (summing the scores). In the event of a tie away points will count as two.

To make this work anyone playing will have a shirt - a special commemorative DUFFA / MUFF Derby shirt with a unique logo. we're hoping to get these made for less than GBP8 but you would be committing to playing for this if you sign up.

We're going to try really hard to get our local newspapers, radio (possibly even local TV!) to cover this.