DUFFA Ultrastar Animated Spinning Disc


Minutes for Annual General Meeting of Didsbury Ultimate Frisbee For Amateurs Held at Parswood Public House, School Lane, Didsbury, Manchester, Sunday 26th October 2008 at 1300hrs



Alan Heckman

Tim Craven (part)

Phil Torpey (part)

Polly Brown

Steve Pickering

Karlyn Hinchliffe

Tajola Uddin

Steve Morgan

Matt Kirsten

Simon Jermy

Mark Mynett (late)

Mark Thompson (late)

Danni Thompson (late)

James Leach (late)

Steve Pickering (late)

James Griffin (late)

Damien Gilby (late)



Apologies - n/a


Item #




Chair's Welcome and introduction to the meeting.


Chair thanked everyone for coming.




Approval of Agenda

A sign up sheet for DUFFA membership, drafts of the proposed revised constitution and last years AGM minutes where passed around to those present for comments and questions.

RESOLVED: Chair proposed to approve the agenda and begin the meeting. No objections were raised and the motion was passed.




Approval of the minutes of the Constitutional AGM

Chair proposed that all present should approve the Constitutional AGM minutes.

RESOLVED: Last years AGM minutes where passed with no objections.




Report of the Chair

Preceding Year


  • Chair noted that there was a great deal to be proud of.
  • Noted a regular attendance of over 30 people on Sunday sessions.
  • The Hat tournament was a notable success.
  • There were a few "bumps", one notable issue was the opening of a bank account.
  • Finding a suitable venue for the Thursday sessions during the winter months are also causing issues.


Outlook for Coming Year


  • Planning to continue the expansion of the club.
  • Add regular, scheduled training (e.g. a beginner's session at the beginning of every month and an advanced skills session mid-month, with the possibility of a Women's only training).
  • Hat Tournament to run again in 2009
  • Explore the possibility of establishing other North West Ultimate teams to create a League
  • Explore the possibility of having a meeting with other North West teams / interested parties.
  • We've improved, level allows us to looking at competing with other teams


Mark Mynett reiterated the thanks for those that helped make 2008 a successful first year for DUFFA.

RESOLVED: Chairs Report was ratified by those present.




Report of the Secretary and Treasurer

Secretary presented the accounts.


  • Secretary presented the Hat Tournament accounts and noted an unintentional profit which was put into the club as it would be buying assets which would help run Hat Tournament 2009.
  • Apologised that for the format of the accounts, explaining this was due to printer problems.
  • Noted that DUFFA had actually made a small profit and still held a number of Discs which have a resale value of £160.
  • Noted how it's rare for sports clubs to turn a profit in its first year.
  • Apologised on behalf of the Treasurer who had not performed his duties due to personal commitments.
  • Noted that a handover process would be required if / when a new Treasurer is elected.


Mark Thompson requested that the accounts be made available online. Secretary felt that this would be OK if a password was added.

Alan Heckman added that we had been selling DUFFA branded discs at £5 to non-profit organisations in line with the clubs aims to promote the sport.

RESOLVED: Secretary's Report was ratified by those present with an action to circulate the full accounts via an appropriate medium.




Question 1 - the modification of the DUFFA constitution

Chair summed up changes


  • Objects of the club reiterated.
  • Changes to wording to cover disc golf and adding suitable words to support applications for council / sporting grant funding.
  • Other Minor revisions - a 'Track Changes' Word document will be circulated.
  • Changing number of Executive Committee positions from three 'At Large' members to six. Though the club and Executive Committee hasn't failed to function thus far it has experienced but did cause problems (an example was problems opening a bank account with a small committee).

Mark Mynett asked for clarifications for the role of 'At Large' Executive Member.

  • Alan summed up the role as detailed in the current Constitution.
  • Noted that meetings are infrequent, on an ad-hoc basis, though this is likely to become more common.
  • Lot of people worked hard on organising the Hat Tournament and it's a form of recognition.


Proposed leaving voting open for an additional two weeks. This allows people to review. Recommend to vote to pass as it's not controversial.

Simon Jermy asked for clarification on the definition of the 'not for profit' status. Alan Heckman noted that this would not limit our ability to run tournaments for profit and use these for other aims of the club.

A vote took place.


  • No nays, 1 abstention - Dani Thompson will read and vote later.


Tim Craven and Phil Torpey provided apologies and left. Tim noted he is happy to vote for all current members.

RESOLVED: Changes were presented with the voting to remain open for two weeks for non-present members and abstentions to review the changes.




Election of Executive Committee

Chair proposed the nomination of the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer separately then all six Executive Committee Members.

RESOLVED: No objections were raised to the proposed voting process.

Nominations for position Chair

Alan Heckman was nominated and seconded. Alan accepted the nomination. No further nominations received.

RESOLVED: Alan declares himself Chair. Alan Heckman thanked those present.

Nominations for position of Secretary

Steve Morgan was nominated and seconded. Steve accepted the nomination. No further nominations received.

RESOLVED: Chair declares Steve Morgan as Secretary. Steve Morgan thanked those present.

Nominations for position of Treasurer

Simon Jermy was nominated, seconded. Simon Jermy accepted the nomination. No further nominations received.

RESOLVED: Chair declares Simon Jermy as Treasurer. Simon Jermy thanked those present.

Nominations for Executive 'At Large' Committee Members

The following members were nominated, seconded and accepted.

  • Steve Senior *
  • James Griffin
  • Helen Attisha (not accepted)
  • Damien Gilby
  • Polly Brown
  • Karlyn Hinchliffe
  • Steve Pickering
  • Andrew Paterson
  • Shelly Heckman *
  • Tajola Uddin
  • Mark Mynett
  • Sally Humphries
  • Dani Thompson
  • Eve Wressell *
  • James Leach
* denotes they weren't present but had informed either the Chair or Secretary that they wished to accept nominations.


Proposed to suspend the meeting and hold a secret ballot - it was felt that those present should have six, equal, votes (e.g. no preference is indicated in the vote) and should the changes to the constitution not be passed then the Executive Committee Members will be those three with the most votes.

RESOLVED: The vote should take place.

A round of voting occurred. The Secretary counted the votes and informed Chair only of the 6 names 'first past the post'.

Chair noted that all nominated had received at least two votes, but felt it was inappropriate to reveal the exact results. Chair announced the six members voted by those present.

RESOLVED: The six members with the highest votes (in alphabetical order) were

  • James Griffin
  • James Leach
  • Mark Mynett
  • Shelley Heckman
  • Steve Senior
  • Taj Uddin


Certification of Accounts

James Griffin had this task last year. Polly Brown was nominated and accepted the task.

RESOLVED: Polly Brown will review the accounts next year.



Question 2: Winter playing options

Report on current status - many Committee members have looked at possible pitches. There has felt to be very few viable options. Some outdoor floodlit pitches cost around £60 an hour.

Proposed funding was to pay the first £100 - £200 into a 'kitty' from DUFFA funds and then each week solicit donations from attendees. Social pressure would encourage attendees to pay but there would be no set requirement to pay - this helps encourage new members to try for free. If the pot of money runs out then the sessions would be stopped. This would help members who have genuine financial difficulties.

As there is no current option for a pitch, three options were proposed.

  1. We go back to one session a week
  2. Find a pitch
  3. Indoor rather than outdoor flood lit


James Griffin proposed trying to run a session wearing head torches. It was felt by most present that this was unsafe. Damien Gilby noted that it would probably void our insurance.

Simon Jermy, raised a point that we need to re-approach the local rubgy club - Polly to ask her contacts

Damien expressed a view that the indoor option would be suitable. It would help new members gain confidence throwing and develop skills. Others from the floor noted that a great deal of winter tournaments are indoors.

Mark Thompson recommended MMU Didsbury Sports Centre. Steve Morgan informed the floor that he had enquired and it would be £72 without discounts and there is a complex booking system. Mark Thompson recommended that we could look to join Fingers 6. Steve Morgan was under the impression that they had too many attendees to open up to us. Mark Thompson noted that in his experience with University teams this attendance would drop off.

Matt Kirsten suggested Trinity Sports Hall. This had been previously suggested and discounted due to location.

James Leach suggested that he might have a contact at the Parswood, which had previously been researched as an option.

Alan Heckman moved to try and sum the general feeling of most present. It was felt that, in order of priority, the club was looking at;

  • Affordability
  • Location (Didsbury generally preferred or at least convenient)
  • Issue of Indoor or Outdoor less important


Aim very much that the club is keen not just to return to one session.

Sheet is passed around for those present to add any options including those that have already been explored.

Chair asked the floor to define what they felt was affordable. Ideally many felt less than £3, £4 was ok. Many noted that the time should be 7pm - 9pm with 6.30pm - 10pm acceptable.

Steve Morgan noted that regular training sessions are unlikely to be eligible for grants / funding from bodies though it is possible to get funding for running beginner sessions.

Alan Heckman noted that the kitty would be seen as a float so we shouldn't need to take money from other activities to fund winter training. Any well attended weeks would lead to a surplus in the kitty to fund other, not so well attended, weeks.

Alan Heckman proposed an annual fee as part of a solution but the general feelings from the floor were that this was unsuitable. Also proposed, grants, donations and a potential fund raising event.

RESOLVED: Alan Heckman to research options with the committee. James Leach and Polly Brown to try their respective contacts. All to provide Alan with ideas and prices including previously discounted options.



Question 3: Establishing a competitive team

It was reiterated that the core ideal of DUFFA was that beginners / new members would always be made to feel welcome and that the aim would remain to keep things fun over becoming competitive.

A DUFFA team would be a number of members that would train together to develop skills, establish plays and improve fitness.

The team probably wouldn't become too competitive but part of having fun at a tournament is trying to win.

Alan Heckman proposed a number of objectives / ideas;

  • Team funds itself, members agree to share any costs.
  • No try outs
  • Signing up would require a level or commitment
  • Team would be mixed / open depending on number of female members
  • Run at separate time to existing DUFFA sessions
  • Coaching would be required
  • Team would be DUFFA branded rather than have it split away
  • Any kit would also become general DUFFA kit
  • The 'competitive' team wouldn't be the only DUFFA team, other ad-hoc teams could be formed for more general, fun tournaments such as Brighton Beyond.


Damien Gilby suggested that competitive training is totally open to all, attendance would be used to determine a team.

Mark Mynett noted that a local team that DUFFA played recently weren't that much better but knew how to play as a team. Felt that DUFFA could easily achieve this.

A proposal to try training before the regular DUFFA Sunday sessions.

RESOLVED: Committee to look at establishing a training session and asking someone to head up the club.



Question 4: Establishing a regular schedule of trainings, including women-only trainings

A rota will be determined to establish regular training sessions for all DUFFA members. Womens only had been proposed by a DUFFA member previously that felt sometimes Women don't get enough disc. This would help Women increase skills and increase their level of comfort.

Dani Thompson noted that she often felt that some guys didn't pass to women.

Mark Mynett noted that he disagreed with this and noted one member how makes runs and receives a lot of disc.

Some noted that perhaps there was a culture issue. It was noted that we need to all ensure that everyone gets disc time.

Polly Brown noted that there were some confidence issues.

Mark Thompson noted that perhaps there was too much use of a long game style tatic, perhaps training on marking would reduce this.

It was noted that this was a general issue with Pickup games. DUFFA has an issue imposing structure but will address this issue through training, teaching strategy and using mock games to illustrate the effectiveness of strategy.

Alan Heckman proposed to reiterate the DUFFA ideals at the start of each session (with discretion!). Proposed that all members can help.

Polly Brown suggested that we use an idea similar to the calls at the Hat tournament at the end of pickup sessions.

Proposal to agree on an end of game time, and to get 2 people from each team to decide on a 'pub point'.

RESOLVED: All to ensure that they play and encourage new members inline with DUFFA's aims. Alan Heckman to make introductions at the start of sessions when new members are present.




Question 5: Resolution to thank those who worked to make the DUFFA Hat Tournament a success

Chair requested to raise a minute to resolve to thank those who participated in the organisation.

James Leach noted that as an attendee he felt the tournament;

  • Looked good
  • Played good
  • And the weather was good!


RESOLVED: This sentiment was seconded and passed by acclamation.





Motion to Close Proceedings

All present agreed.

RESOLVED: Chair closes DUFFA's second AGM.















Date and Time of Next Annual General Meeting: - 4th October 2009 (tbc)

The meeting finished at 1515 (approx)

Steve Morgan

Minute Secretary to the AGM

26th October 2008