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DUFFA - Didsbury Ultimate Frisbee For Amateurs • DUFFA AGM Minutes - Saturday 14th June 2014
DUFFA Ultrastar Animated Spinning Disc

DUFFA AGM - Saturday 14th June 2014

Minutes for Annual General Meeting of Didsbury Ultimate Frisbee For Amateurs held at Richard Harrison and Simon Jermy's house, Fordbank Road, Didsbury, Manchester - Saturday 14th June 2014

Members present
Ada Heckman
Alan Heckman
Alasdair Alston
Alex Salmon
Amanda Chan
Charlotte McHugh
Claire Millard
Daniel Martinez
Gemma Perry
Gina Kuippers
Ian Green
James Griffin
James Leach
James Mashhouri
Kevin Lucas
Lara Medin Lopez
Liam Worswick
Lorna Diggle
Mark Mauloni
Mark Mynett
Nadine Morales
Nathan Thompson
Nick Taylor
Oliver Heckman
Owain Roberts
Pete Smart
Richard Harrison
Sally Humphries
Sam Grimshaw
Sam Jones
Shelley Heckman
Simon Jermy
Stevie Senior
1. Approve 2013 AGM minutes
2. Chair report
3. Secretary report
4. Treasurer report
5. Constitutional amendments
6. Election of 2014/2015 committee
7. Any other business
1. Approve 2013 AGM minutes
The 2013 AGM minutes were passed by majority vote on the condition a typographical error concerning the date of the 2013 AGM was corrected, namely 19 May 2012 being corrected to 19 May 2013.
2. Chair report
3. Secretary report
DUFFA chairman Alan Heckman and DUFFA secretary Richard Harrison delivered their reports. Due to the nature of the reports, the content crossed over in some areas and so has been summarised as follows.
DUFFA has 405 members according to Facebook. There are 604 members of the DUFFA Hat Facebook page and the DUFFA Twitter account has 736 followers. There are 164 subscribers to the session reminders email, which the club has tried to cut down to one per month, and 237 to the newsletter email. Attendance has been good in fair weather, but a little low during the winter months. Remember DUFFA plays no matter what and bad weather usually results in excellent ultimate!
The club has received positive feedback on the more structured beginner sessions introduced by our UKU Level 1 coaches. Five attendees of tonight's AGM have started playing with DUFFA in the last twelve months and are now regular attendees and valued members of the club. We've also welcomed many experienced players who are also regular attendees and valued members of the club. DUFFA has run beginner sessions in the local area for kids of primary school, secondary school and college level.
DUFFA continued the strong, albeit unofficial and informal, links with Black Sheep. There is a natural crossover as players of both clubs are free to play with and for both clubs without the pressure of having to choose between.
In the last twelve months DUFFA has welcomed players from the USA, Canada, Malaysia, Mexico, Germany, Spain and Yorkshire. We've had a strong international presence ourselves, with DUFFA representatives playing with Penang Islanders in Malaysia, James Cook University Ultimate in Australia, Alti Chasquis in Bolivia and Santiago Pickup in Chile, and at the Ultimate Carnival Hat in Argentina.
Our own hat tournament was again a success and the planning for this year's event is on schedule. DUFFA Hat 2014 is going to be another sell-out. 565 players registered for entry into the ballot for one of the 288 spaces up for grabs.
Things to improve on for 2014/2015; better distribution of responsibilities amongst the committee and better promotion of the club, especially through social media.
4. Treasurer report
DUFFA Hat treasurer Steve Morgan delivered the treasurer's report in the absence of DUFFA treasurer Yvonne Hung.
5. Constitutional amendments
It was resolved unanimously that in addition to the formal committee positions of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, a fourth formal committee position of Social Secretary would be created. The committee is therefore now made up of the four formal positions plus five "at large" position.
6. Election of 2014/2015 committee
Steve Morgan, Richard Harrison, Sam Jones and Charlotte McHugh were elected by acclamation to the positions of Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Social Secretary respectively.
Alan Heckman, Yvonne Hung, Mark Mynett, Claire Press and Stevie Senior were elected by majority vote to the positions of "at large" committee members.
7. Any other business
It was resolved unanimously that the 2014/2015 DUFFA membership fee will remain at £0.00.
It was resolved unanimously that the 2015 AGM is to be held in the month of May or the month of June 2015. A specific date will be chosen by the 2014/2015 committee in due course.
Meeting adjourned.
CHAIR: ............................................................................................................................................

DATE: ..............................................................................................................................................

Date and Time of Next Annual General Meeting: - May 2015 (tbc)

Richard Harrison

Minute Secretary to the AGM

14th June 2014