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DUFFA - Didsbury Ultimate Frisbee For Amateurs • DUFFA AGM - Saturday 2nd May 2015
DUFFA Ultrastar Animated Spinning Disc

DUFFA AGM - Saturday 2nd May 2015

Members present
Alan Heckman
Alex Salmon
Angus Blankenstein
Ant Bailey
Becca Wilkins
Bethan Sykes
Charlotte McHugh
Christine Elstner
Clare Millard
Daniel Martinez
David Holmes
Ed Page
Emma Schofield
Gareth Jones
Heather Williams
Ian Green
Jez Parkinson
Jonathan Cooke
Lorna Diggle
Louise Horobin
Marcella Greco
Mark Mauloni
Mark Mynett
Mike Sharp
Naomi Jesse
Nick Taylor
Paul Cowen
Pete Smart
Phil Torpey
Rhiannon Williams
Richard Harrison
Rosie Turner
Ruth King
Sam Jones
Simon Jermy
Stacey Ramsbottom
Steve Morgan
Stuart Collier
Yvonne Hung
1. Approve 2014 AGM minutes
2. Chair report
3. Secretary report
4. Treasurer report
5. Constitutional amendments
6. Election of 2015/2016 committee
7. Any other business
1. Approve 2014 AGM minutes
The 2014 AGM minutes were approved unanimously.
2. Chair report
3. Secretary report
DUFFA chair Steve Morgan and DUFFA secretary Richard Harrison delivered their reports. Due to the nature of the reports, the content crossed over in some areas and so has been summarised as follows.
DUFFA has 461 members according to Facebook. There are 704 members of the DUFFA Hat Facebook page and the DUFFA Twitter account has 819 followers. Week-to-week attendance is generally good, especially in fair weather but has been low during the winter months. Please remember DUFFA is a year-round club and we need you in the winter months too. DUFFA plays no matter what and bad weather usually results in excellent ultimate. Take today as an example - over 30 players playing competitive yet spirited ultimate in appalling weather!
We continue to recruit beginners and experienced players new to DUFFA. We've welcomed players from Spain, Germany, the US, Australia, Hungary and Italy to name a few. We flew our own international flag by attending the Chiripones hat tournament in the south of Spain, playing and partying with many of the foreign frisbee friends we've made over the years.
We've tried to organise more social events this year and we've organised a trip to the beach, a Christmas party, a pub quiz and tenpin bowling. More coming up this year!
Due to working commitments we haven't been able to run sessions in schools or colleges this year but we continue to take part in local community events. We ran a 5-by-5 exhibition game at the Didsbury Festival and have been invited back again this year. In August the Didsbury Derailleurs (we couldn't think of a better team name) raised over £1500 for local charities by cycling from Land's End to John o' Groats. In November DUFFA sponsored a barrel at the 7th Annual Beer Festival. Disc Golf in Longford Park goes from strength to strength, regularly welcoming over 100 members of the local community to try the sport at the monthly open days. Landscaping begins in the summer and by the autumn we should have the North West's first 18-hole course!
The planning for our own hat is well under way. We put on a hell of a show every year but it's no secret it's taken its toll on some of us. We're very pleased to have some new blood guiding by old heads running this year's tournament. Once again it's the most talked about event on the UK Ultimate calendar. Over 530 players have registered for 288 spaces, including players from Belgium, Cyprus, Norway, Italy, Slovenia, Lithuania, Taiwan, Singapore, Sweden, Netherlands, Germany, USA, Spain and Ireland. The DUFFA committee would like to wish the DUFFA Hat committee all the very best in the months ahead!
Steve would like to place on record his thanks to the 2014/2015 committee for their support during his first year as chair. He would like to thank Stuart Collier and Mike Sharp for their help running the indoor sessions. Finally he would like to thank each and every member of DUFFA. Thank you for passing to beginners, encouraging them onto the line and explaining the rules of the game. It's the people that make the club the success that it is!
4. Treasurer report
DUFFA treasurer Sam Jones delivered his report. DUFFA is open about its finances and full accounts are available for inspection upon request.
5. Constitutional amendments
None proposed.
6. Election of 2014/2015 committee
Steve Morgan, Stuart Collier, Sam Jones and Charlotte McHugh were elected by acclamation to the positions of Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Social Secretary respectively.
Alan Heckman, Richard Harrison, James Mashhouri, Clare Millard and Simon Ingram were elected by majority vote to the positions of "at large" committee members.
7. Any other business
It was resolved by majority vote that the 2015/2016 DUFFA membership fee will remain at £0.00.
It was resolved unanimously that the 2016 AGM is to be held in the month of May or the month of June 2016. A specific date will be chosen by the 2015/2016 committee in due course.