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DUFFA - Didsbury Ultimate Frisbee For Amateurs • DUFFA AGM Minutes - Sunday 2nd October 2011
DUFFA Ultrastar Animated Spinning Disc

DUFFA AGM - Sunday 2nd October 2011

Meeting notes

Minutes for Annual General Meeting of Didsbury Ultimate Frisbee For Amateurs held at Parrswood Public House, School Lane, Didsbury, Manchester - Sunday 2nd October 2011


Chris Bell

Danielle Brooks

Cameron Burgess

Chapala Chor

Stuart Collier

Paul Cowen

Ian Green

Elinor Harris

Richard Harrison

Alan Heckman (Chair)

Simon Jermy

James Leach

Comrie MacDonald

Steve Morgan

Mark Mynett

Dean Phillips

Jeremy Parkinson

Owain Roberts

David Shingler

Stevie Senior

Tajola Uddin

Apologies :

Tim Craven

Shelley Heckman

Kevin Lucas


Open and Welcome


Thanked everyone for coming and introduced the format - especially the caucus - and the topics. Agenda was agreed.


  • Hat Tournament Organisation
    • Desire to bring back the participatory elements of the first few years with the experience of running the tournament
  • Committee Structure
    • Perception in the club that three people make all of the decisions and hold the power.
    • Proposal of creating shadow roles Vice Secretary, Vice Chair, Vice Treasurer to spread the knowledge
  • Committee Meeting Calendar
    • Plan the committee meetings
  • Adjustment of Year
    • Move the AGM to May, following a financial year ending on the last day of March. Encourage participation and align with other charities
  • Community Development Role
    • Big topic with UKU - suggestion we have someone responsible
  • Possibility of entering a team for tour.
  • Encouraging more beginners
  • Winter League
  • Indoors feeling
  • Very Young players

2010 AGM Minutes

The minutes for 2010 were passed by unanimous vote

Motion: - Sign off the minutes

RESOLUTION: - passed

Treasurer Report (Simon Jermy)


Hat made a surplus.

Few hundred pounds of indoor carried over.

Money is currently in two accounts as we move to a new account with online banking.

Total cash in hand £5,832

Accounts should be in a clearer format to be audited.

Simon thanked Kevin for his help with the accounts.

Informed the club of his intention to step down.

QUESTION:- What is the status of DUFFA - are we a charity? Chair provided confirmation we are not a registered charity but it could be a goal.

QUESTION:- What is the Debtors line? This was the Halycon disc order - Simon had to pay in advance.

Secretary Report (Steve Morgan)

Facebook changes have meant we're now more reliant on the messaging system. We now have a text messaging system though thankfully we've not had the cancelled sessions problem since.

FB shows 264 members - with 133 signed up on the website.

New members - need to work on more new starter sessions.

Chair Report (Alan Heckman)

Maintained numbers - played a lot of Frisbee.

Haven't done much youth outreach but the discs for kids box got 36 donated discs so we'd like to run more youth sessions and pass these out.

DUFFA has been very much ticking along.

DUFFA Hat was a success - best ever feedback with a high response. Organisers found it tough this year - would like to improve the process.

Believes that in the next year the club should actively try and run outreach sessions. Given our budget situation we should consider covering volunteer transport costs, rather than asking that these be covered by the benefiting organisation.

Suggested a major one / two day event to discuss our future as a club.

Disc golf is an area for expansion. Suggestion for a new committee to work on this.

Question - would it be a disc golf course? Yes.

Question - what is disc golf?! Brief explanation provided.

Suggestion - to run a tournament event, in Leamington Spa or even using the portable baskets as a way to introduce the sport to people in Manchester, and build enthusiasm for a project.

MOTION: - Accept Simon's Treasurer Report

RESOLVED:- Passed by majority

MOTION: - Accept Steve's Secretary Report

RESOLVED:- Passed unanimously

MOTION: - Accept Alan's Chair Report

RESOLVED:- Passed unanimously

QUESTION:- Is it only the three members that give a report. How many people on the committee? 9 - only the Chair, Treasurer and Secretary provide reports.

BEER and Caucus

A drinks break and opportunity to create resolutions was provided.

Proposed Resolutions

The following summaries of proposed resolutions are not definitive. The full proposed resolutions maybe viewed on request to the Chair.

1. DUFFA resolves that because burnt out feeling - will involve more people in the organising of the hat. The task list should allow people to take ownership of a task - add their name and know who to report to.

a. WITHDRAWN - the proposers agreed to withdraw their proposal in favour of proposed resolution 9, which covers substantially the same topic.

2. DUFFA resolves to think about new ways to increase and retain the number of beginners - especially indoor sessions - reduce competitive. Team points, drills, no hammer rules etc

  • a. WITHDRAWN: withdrawn by the proposers in favour of new resolution 10, which covers substantially the same topic.

3. DUFFA resolves beginners should be given the time to learn the game - in a separate session at every session after the talk.

  • a. RESOLVED - WITHDRAWN: withdrawn by the proposers in favour of new resolution 10, which covers substantially the same topic.

4. DUFFA resolves to create a community outreach role aim and establish a committee, budget, work with partners such as the UKU.

  • a. PROPOSAL - passed by clear majority

5. DUFFA resolves to alter the constitution to extend the next year to then align with the DUFFA birthday.

  • a. PROPOSAL Withdrawn to alter the resolution and make it a short year instead
  • b. PROPOSAL - As above - but with a short year financial year ending at the end of March 2012 and an AGM to be coordinated with the DUFFA birthday celebrations in May of that year. Subsequent years will be of normal length, also ending on the last day of March and with the AGM in May.
  • c. RESOLVED - Passed by vote of 18 for, 2 against and 1 abstaining. (The constitutional change requires notice period, so voting remains open and this resolution will be formally agreed if and when the resolution notice period expires without the required number of new votes against)

6. DUFFA resolves to hold a major strategic planning event to create a 3 year plan with strategic directions and an implementation framework to be held in March 2012.

a. RESOLVED - Passed by majority

7. DUFFA resolves to create a handbook, task list in a user-friendly format for the organising of DUFFA Hat with a reporting chain identified.

a. WITHDRAWN - withdrawn by the proposers in favour of new proposed resolution 9.

8. DUFFA resolves to review how beginner friendly it is - will run more beginner sessions.

  • a. WITHDRAWN - withdrawn by the proposers in favour of new proposed resolution 10

9. Consensus resolution proposed during plenary: DUFFA resolves that the Hat Planning process will be decided at an open, participatory session widely publicised within the club and held in January 2012. Further notes that the Hat planning process should seek to be participatory, and easy to engage with for volunteers and that the prior year's resolution to create a planning guidebook for the Hat still stands.

10. Consensus resolution proposed during plenary: DUFFA resolves to assign the Executive Committee to review the structure of the sessions, particularly indoors, and ensure that we are working to encourage and retain beginners and reinforce the ethos of the club.

11. Further Agenda Topics / Motions:

MOTION:- proposal to publish a calendar of committee meetings

Resolved: passed by clear majority.

MOTION:- the committee member assigned to organise tournaments will check if we have enough interest for tour and will continue to seek to be involved in the proposed winter league if sufficient player interest can be found.

Resolved: passed by clear majority

MOTION:- Executive committee will consider what to do about the safety of young players and the potential risks and liabilities arising from involving them in DUFFA activities.

Resolved: passed by clear majority

MOTION:- although preparatory work and events may take place, decisions regarding adopting Disc Golf as a major programme of DUFFA will be made not before the scheduled strategic planning meeting.

Resolved: Passed by clear majority

Executive Committee Election

Chair:- Alan Heckman (only nomination, elected by acclaim)

Secretary:- Steve Morgan (only nomination, elected by acclaim)

Treasurer:- Kevin Lucas (only nomination,elected by acclaim)

At Large Committee Election

For the election of the additional six committee members, the chair adopted rules allowing a single election with each voter allowed to vote for up to six nominated people. Final committee to be the six nominees accepting the nomination and receiving the most votes. Nominations of DUFFA members not present at the meeting may be made, but each such member must accept the nomination prior to taking office in the event they are ranked in the top six.

Nominations made and not refused:

Chris Bell

Danielle Brooks

Cameron Burgess

Chapala Chor

Georgina Green

Elinor Harris

Richard Harrison

Shelley Heckman


James Leach

Comrie MacDonald

Mark Mynett

Claire Press

Dean Philips

Owain Roberts

Stevie Senior

Dave Shingler

A secret ballot was held with Steve Morgan and Chapala Chor counting the votes. A tie for sixth place meant the decision was pending nominees confirming their place. A tie for 6th place still resulted and the Chair contacted both members to ask if one wanted to withdraw. The following were elected as Executive Committee Members:

  • Danielle Brooks
  • Richard Harrison
  • Comrie MacDonald
  • Dean Phillips
  • Claire Press
  • Stevie Senior

RESOLVED: Chair closes DUFFA's AGM 2011. Motion to end the meeting - unanimously passed

CHAIR: ............................................................................................................................................

DATE: ..............................................................................................................................................

Date and Time of Next Annual General Meeting: - May 2012 (tbc)

Steve Morgan

Minute Secretary to the AGM

2ndOctober 2011