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DUFFA - Didsbury Ultimate Frisbee For Amateurs • DUFFA AGM - Saturday 20th May 2012
DUFFA Ultrastar Animated Spinning Disc

DUFFA AGM - Saturday 20th May 2012

Minutes for Annual General Meeting of Didsbury Ultimate Frisbee For Amateurs held at Simon Jermy's house, Fordbank Road, Didsbury, Manchester - Saturday 20th May 2012


Ant Bailey

Angus Blankenstein

Danielle Brooks

Polly Brown

Cameron Burgess

Chapala Chor

Stuart Collier

Paul Cowen

Lorna Diggle

Johnny Flynn

Richard Harrison

Alan Heckman (Chair)

Oliver Heckman

Shelley Heckman

Louise Horobin

Ruth King

Simon Jermy

Rhiannon Jones

James Leach

Kevin Lucas

Comrie MacDonald

Charlotte McHugh

Anna McMahon

Steve Morgan

Elizabeth Mulliss

John Mulliss

Lucas Mulliss

Sophia Mulliss

Mark Mynett

Sophie Pettigrew

Dean Phillips

Jeremy Parkinson

Stevie Senior

Nathan Thompson

Phil Torpey

Tajola Uddin

Apologies :

Claire Press

Open and Welcome

Thanked everyone for coming and introduced the format. Agenda was agreed.

Approve 2011 AGM Minutes

The minutes for 2011 were passed by unanimous vote

Motion: - Sign off the minutes

RESOLUTION: - passed
Chair Report (Alan Heckman)

We'll be formalising the bye laws - these will be published on the website.

6 or 7 members of the club have been trained on a level 1 UK Ultimate Coaching course. We've seen the benefits in the coaching and beginnners sessions.

DUFFA has had a number of successful Saturday social sessions and has attended some fun tournaments including Tapasando.

Outlook is good - we feel confident we can do whatever we want with the volunteer workforce we have.

DUFFA Hat - sold out in 144 minutes.
Treasurer Report (Kevin Lucas)

Accounts available on request.

Accounts show a bit of money was spent - there was no tournament held in this period but we're not concerned as we have a large balance.

Indoors just about broke even this year.

Money is now only in the single account - we have closed the Nationwide account.

Total cash in hand £5,275
Secretary Report (Steve Morgan)

Hard to provide exact member numbers.

FB shows 273 members - with 201 signed up on the website.

Noted that the club is now well known in the Ultimate community - Eggheads found us!

The new format of the starter sessions has been successful - we've recruited lots of great new members. Welcomed a few of them.

MOTION: - Accept Alan's Chair Report

RESOLVED:- Passed by majority

MOTION: - Accept Steve's Secretary Report

RESOLVED:- Passed unanimously

MOTION: - Accept Kevin's Treasurer Report

RESOLVED:- Passed unanimously
Executive Committee Election
Chair:- Alan Heckman (only nomination, elected by acclaim)

Secretary:- Steve Morgan (only nomination, elected by acclaim)

Treasurer:- Kevin Lucas (only nomination not declined, elected by acclaim)

At Large Committee Election
For the election of the additional six committee members, the chair adopted rules allowing a single election with each voter allowed to vote for up to six nominated people. Final committee to be the six nominees accepting the nomination and receiving the most votes. Nominations of DUFFA members not present at the meeting may be made, but each such member must accept the nomination prior to taking office in the event they are ranked in the top six. In the event of a tie then the previous Committee will decide on the winner.

Nominations made and not refused:
  • Ant Bailey
  • Angus Blankenstein
  • Danielle Brooks
  • Cameron Burgess
  • Stuart Collier
  • Lorna Diggle
  • Elinor Harris (not present)
  • Richard Harrison
  • James Leach
  • Comrie MacDonald
  • Mark Mynett
  • Claire Press (acccepted in advance)
  • Dean Philips
  • Owain Roberts
  • Stevie Senior

A secret ballot was held with Steve Morgan, Simon Jermy and Chapala Chor counting the votes. The following were elected as Executive Committee Members:
  • Danielle Brooks
  • Claire Press
  • Richard Harrison
  • Comrie MacDonald
  • Mark Mynett
  • Stevie Senior

Membership Fees

Set the membership fees for this year.

Motion: - Fees remain at £0.00

RESOLUTION: - passed, 1 objection
Any Other Business


RESOLVED: Chair closes DUFFA's AGM 2012. Motion to end the meeting - unanimously passed

CHAIR: ............................................................................................................................................

DATE: ..............................................................................................................................................

Date and Time of Next Annual General Meeting: - May 2013 (tbc)

Steve Morgan

Minute Secretary to the AGM

20thMay 2012