DUFFA Ultrastar Animated Spinning Disc

DUFFA Annual General Meeting Minutes

Meeting notes;

DUFFA AGM - Sunday 10th October 2010

Minutes for Annual General Meeting of Didsbury Ultimate Frisbee For Amateurs held at Parrswood Pubic House, School Lane, Didsbury, Manchester - Sunday 10th October 2010
  • Alan Heckman (Chair)
  • Simon Jermy
  • Cameron Burgess
  • Danielle Brooks
  • Daniel Mclean
  • Stuart Collier
  • Tajola Uddin
  • Matt Anderson
  • Soren Stoeber
  • Owain Roberts
  • Claire Press
  • Gareth Jones
  • Shelley Heckman
  • Oliver Heckman
  • James Leach
  • Stevie Senior
  • Mark Mynett
  • Phil Torpey
  • Matt Place
  • Dave Shingler
  • Steve Morgan
  • David Klein
  • Chapala Chor

2009 AGM Minutes

The minutes for 2009 were passed by unanimous vote

Chair Report

Alan spoke briefly about the activities of the club over the last 12 months. DUFFA is in a good place. We have some money built up over the last few years but as a club we don't require much to continue playing ultimate. Over the summer and with the help of Cameron, Diddy, Mike and Danielle, Alan ran several training sessions in the community. Meanwhile, at DUFFA, Ewen has resurrected DUFFA training sessions and seems to have got the mix about right. DUFFA has attended many tournaments around the country and abroad, making it to the final of LUCRE 2010 and organising the very successful DUFFA Hat 2010.

Alan hoped to continue club outreach activities and develop the committee structure to allow more activities like this with less of a burden on individual club members.

To highlight just how far we have come as a club, Alan has been approached by a Rochdale club which is looking to use DUFFA as a model for its own organisation. DUFFA Hat 2011 will be roughly the same size as 2010, although this year we will create a task based approach and more upfront planning and decision making in order to lighten the load for all committee members. We will also create a 'handbook' for future years so anyone can dip in and pick up a task, even if they don't have much time they have to spare.

There were no questions regarding the Chair report.

Treasurer Report

2010 saw a different approach to the way DUFFA's finances are arranged. Shortly after last year's AGM there was talk about the possibility of grant applications and external funding, all of which needed a copy of our audited accounts.

Polly Brown was elected at the last AGM to audit the accounts but in order to do that, some changes needed to be made. The two major financial projects DUFFA runs are the indoor season and DUFFA Hat. Both needed improvements in the way we recorded our finances so that any auditor could take a look over and understand what money came in and where it went.

This meant that for DUFFA Hat 2010, we were a lot more efficient with our expenses, with receipts for all (but a few) expenses. These were also paid back much quicker so we could wrap up the accounts within a week of the tournament.

For DUFFA Indoor we now do the cashing up at the venue so a second member of DUFFA can verify and sign the count (because even stellar treasurers cock up now and then).

DUFFA Hat 2010

Total Costs   £7361.69
Total Income   £9671.56
Profit / Loss   £2309.87 surplus!!!
ASSETS as at 31 August 2010
Cash in hand
£10 37 £370.00
£5 15 £75.00
£20 12 £240.00
£1 bags (of £20) 11 £220.00
£1 3 £3.00
£2 11 £22.00
50p bags (of £10) 4 £40.00
50p 6 £3.00
20p bags (of £10) 2 £20.00
20p 11 £2.20
10p bags (of £5) 2 £10.00
10p 4 £0.40
5p 58 £2.90
Removed since y/e   £49.50
Cash at bank per Treasurer's Trust Bank Book   £2,232.90
IOUs/Debtors   £110.00
Inventory Unit Value  
4 Discs 5.79 £23.16
7 T-shirts zero (written off in 09/10) £0.00
TOTAL ASSETS   £3,780.85
LIABILITIES as at 31 August 2010
Alan & Shelley Heckman   £15.78
Volunteer Expenses:    
Alan Heckman   £27.50
Taxi to Rochdale   £35.00
NET ASSETS   £3,702.57


Secretary Report

(Delivered by Alan and Simon)

During DUFFA Hat this year, the website came within 1 hour of the bandwidth limit. This shows just how much attention the website is getting and it's use as a recruitment tool. We'll need to increase the limit for next year. The website also needs updating and the Facebook group needs updating more regularly. This should become easier when the new committee are assigned roles each.

DUFFA Hat 2010 Report

Simon read out a selection of responses and feedback from the DUFFA Hat survey. Common themes included; a friendly atmosphere, improved tshirts on last year, attention to detail and evenly matched teams. Some common themes for improvements were; the size of the party venue, advertising teams earlier so they can get in touch before the tournament and, weirdly, better tshirts!

Some ideas for next year from meeting attendees included:
  • Marquee hire
  • Licence to extend party to 2pm
  • Get attendees to bring treats to share
  • Better communication of upstairs food options
  • Live music
  • Circus theme

Huggy checked next year's date on the UKUA site to see if it would clash with Tour. So far, the weekend of the 30th July is available.


  • Introduce a £1 membership fee - rejected
  • Executive Committee reorganisation so that ordinary members are assigned specific roles and responsibilities - passed
  • Size and planning process of DUFFA Hat 2011 (keeping roughly same size and creating a 'DUFFA Hat Handbook' - passed
  • Instituting DUFFA 'Sunday Rules' as a club bylaw - passed
  • Moving bank account to a new bank (Santander) with online account access - passed
  • Claire Press proposed increasing the committee from 6 to 8 people. This is a constitutional change and therefore the result of the vote would be pending a 2 week notice period. - passed
  • James Leach proposed the introduction of a new bylaw, requiring DUFFA teams at pickup games to be as equal as possible and that this is reflected in the DUFFA Talk. - passed

Executive Committee election

  • Chair: Alan Heckman (only nomination therefore elected)
  • Secretary: Steve Morgan (only nomination therefore elected)
  • Treasurer: Simon Jermy (only nomination therefore elected)

Committee Members:

Nominations List:
  • Stuart Collier
  • Claire Press
  • Danielle Brooks
  • Cameron Burgess
  • Daniel Mclean
  • Tajola Uddin
  • Soren Stoeber
  • Owain Roberts
  • Huggy
  • James Leach
  • Rich Harrison
  • Chapala Chor
  • David Klein
  • Mike
  • Stevie Senior
  • Mark Mynett
  • Comrie Macdonald
  • Helen Attisha
  • Kevin Lucas
  • Stephen Cairns

After a secret ballot, the following were elected as Executive Committee Members:

  • Cameron Burgess
  • Rich Harrison
  • Claire Press
  • Stevie Senior
  • Danielle Burgess
  • Mark Mynett
  • Tajola Uddin (pending notice period for constitutional change)
  • Owain Roberts (pending notice period for constitutional change)

RESOLVED: Chair closes DUFFA's AGM 2010. Motion to end the meeting and go play some Frisbee - unanimously passed
CHAIR:                  ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
DATE:                    ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
Date and Time of Next Annual General Meeting: - September 2011 (tbc)
Simon Jermey
Minute Secretary to the AGM
10th October 2010