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DUFFA - Didsbury Ultimate Frisbee For Amateurs • DUFFA AGM - Saturday 19th May 2013
DUFFA Ultrastar Animated Spinning Disc

DUFFA AGM - Saturday 19th May 2013

Minutes for Annual General Meeting of Didsbury Ultimate Frisbee For Amateurs held at Richard Harrison and Simon Jermy's house, Fordbank Road, Didsbury, Manchester - Saturday 19th May 2013

  • Alan Heckman
  • Angus Blankenstein
  • Cara Griffin
  • Caroline Birchwood
  • Chapala Dey
  • Charlotte McHugh
  • Claire Press
  • Comrie MacDonald
  • Elizabeth Mulliss
  • Gaz Jones
  • Ian Green
  • Jahan
  • Joe White
  • John Mulliss
  • Louise Horobin
  • Lucas Mulliss
  • Matt Place
  • Mike Sharp
  • Miri Jak
  • Nathan Thompson
  • Oliver Heckman
  • Peter Smart
  • Phil Torpey
  • Richard Harrison
  • Sarah McClelland 
  • Shelley Heckman
  • Simon Jermy
  • Steve Morgan
  • Yvonne Hung

Apologies :
  • Lorna Diggle
  • Mark Mynett
  • Owain Roberts
  • Stevie Senior

Open and Welcome

Chair thanked everyone for coming and introduced the format and agenda. Agenda was agreed.

Approve 2012 AGM Minutes

AGM minutes have been on the website for review.  

The minutes for 2012 were passed by unanimous vote

Motion: - Sign off the minutes

RESOLUTION: - passed
Chair Report (Alan Heckman)

We've been doing well and it's been a good year.  

108 open sessions have been run: 
  • 51 outdoor sessions
  • 31 Indoor sessions
  • 36 midweek sessions. 
We've attended 4 tournaments. 

We've ran 3 outreach youth sessions. 

6 Beginner sessions held. 

The Hat Tournament sold out in 4 minutes. 

DUFFA Hat - we have a new Tournament Director this year and he's doing a great job.  Reminded all volunteers are essential to the success of the Hat and to help Rich if he asks for it.

Outlook for next year is to progress the plans, working with the Friends of Longford Park, for the Disc Golf course.  Stevie Senior and Alan Heckman have led this effort and have co-written a funding bid for a £30k grant for a disc golf course including landscaping of the course. 

Outreach is an area we should look to improve and increase our activities in for 2013. 
Secretary Report (Steve Morgan)

We have 319 members signed up according to Facebook, with 226 signed up as members on the website 136 actively receiving our weekly mailout. 

We’re still seeing the benefits of the trainers attending the UKU coaching course – Beginner sessions have been much more structured and successful.  

We need to increase effort on the publicising ourselves again but we’ve a strong base of members and we’re able to build on that this year. 

It’s been a nice year that other committee members have taken on some of the responsibilities and I’ve been working on the website maintainable by all so we can start to publish more news and events and there is a new design underway.

DUFFA Hat sold out in an incredible 4 minutes – our estimates are that 400 – 500 people were trying to register.  An incredible achievement and we should all thank those that have worked over the last 6 years to promote DUFFA and DUFFA Hat.  
Treasurer Report (Steve Morgan)

I’ve picked up the Treasurer role to see us through to the AGM.  Thanks to Kevin Lucas, we now have a clear process, which I’ve modified slightly, and we’ve seen that bills and expenses are being paid swiftly and it’s now a process that we can hand over to the next Treasurer – I’d hope that they run this process though of course they are welcome to change it if the Committee approves.  

Accounts available on request – circulated two copies. 

Accounts have a mixture of Hat 2012 and 2013 finances – we didn’t cash up Hat 2012 in a timely fashion this is being done differently this year.  

Indoors made a surplus £164.87 (there is a mistake in the accounts which I’ll fix). 

Paypal have our Hat 2013 in a reserve – we’ll be able to release this as we pay our suppliers for DUFFA Hat 2013. 

Total cash in hand:   £4,103.64
Debitor (pay pal):    £9,492.41

MOTION: - Accept Alan's Chair Report

RESOLVED:- Passed by majority

MOTION: - Accept Steve's Secretary Report

RESOLVED:- Passed unanimously

MOTION: - Accept Steve's Treasurer Report

RESOLVED:- Passed unanimously

MOTION: - Approve the Accounts

RESOLVED:- Passed unanimously
Executive Committee Election
Nominations for position of Chair:
  • Alan Heckman (accepted)
  • Richard Harrison (accepted)
Chair suggested that a ballot  was held with those nominated to leave the room - motion was accepted and Steve Morgan took over Chair's duties to run the ballot. 

Alan Heckman was elected by majority.  

Nominations for position of Secretary:
  • Chapala Dey (declined) 
  • Steve Morgan (accepted)
  • Simon Jermy (declined)
  • Richard Harrison (accepted)
​Following Richard Harrison's nomination and acceptance Steve Morgan withdrew his acceptance and Richard Harrison's nomination was elected by acclaim. 

Nominations for position of Treasurer:
  • Simon Jermy (accepted)
  • Yvonne Hung (accepted)
  • Claire Press (declined)
Chair suggested that a ballot was held with those nominated to leave the room - motion was accepted and Yvonne Hung was elected by majority.  

At Large Committee Election
For the election of the additional six committee members, the chair adopted rules allowing a single election with each voter allowed to vote for up to six nominated people. Final committee to be the six nominees accepting the nomination and receiving the most votes. Nominations of DUFFA members not present at the meeting may be made, but each such member must accept the nomination prior to taking office in the event they are ranked in the top six. In the event of a tie then the previous Committee will decide on the winner.

Secretary requested a volunteer from those present to help count the votes. James Griffin offered to help. 

Nominations made:
  • Caroline Birchwood
  • Claire Press
  • James Leach (not present, declined following the AGM)
  • Lorna Diggle (not present, declined following the AGM)
  • Mark Mynett (not present - accepted in advance)
  • Owain Roberts (not present - accepted in advance)
  • Simon Jermy
  • Stuart "Smiler" Collier  (not present, accepted in advance)
  • Steve Morgan
  • Stevie Senior  (not present, declined following the AGM)

A secret ballot was held with Steve Morgan, James Griffin and Alan Heckman counting the votes. Following the AGM, providing a chance for those not present to accept their nominations, the following were elected as Executive Committee Members:
  • Claire Press
  • Owain Roberts
  • Simon Jermy
  • Steve Morgan
  • Stevie Senior
  • Stuart "Smiler" Collier

Certified Accounts

Noted that certified accounts are key aim for 2013 / 2014.

Motion: - Appoint Kevin Lucas to review and certify our accounts for the following year.

RESOLUTION: - passed by unanimous vote


Membership Fees

Set the membership fees for this year.

Motion: - Fees remain at £0.00

RESOLUTION: - passed, 1 objection


A query was raised to clarify the "DUFFA Sunday Rules" Pull rule.  Clarification was supplied. 

No further suggestions.

Any Other Business

Claire Press was invite to explain the DUFFA Awards voting process. 

RESOLVED: Chair closes DUFFA's AGM 2013. Motion to end the meeting - unanimously passed

CHAIR: ............................................................................................................................................

DATE: ..............................................................................................................................................

Date and Time of Next Annual General Meeting: - May 2014 (tbc)

Steve Morgan

Minute Secretary to the AGM

19th May 2013